Exploring Technology for Egg Carton Labeling
■ Exploring Technology for Egg Carton Labeling
■ Batch Collecting System for Egg Carton Labeling Machine
More and more enterprises who involved in egg farming and egg carton packaging are looking better and considerate solution of egg carton labeling works for their labors.
UNIMAX GROUP always have well-kept researching passion to develop outstanding technology and new development to the egg farming and egg packaging industries.
Not only developed labeled egg carton collecting works output become easier UNIMAX GROUP also has developed batch collecting mechanism and control system for the egg carton labeling works.
The further newly manufactured types of egg carton labeling machine has equipped this type of labelled egg carton batch collecting system to be option for the customers. This unique system can allowed the operators to set batched quantity of labeled egg carton to be preset from touch screen monitor of operating control box.
The labelled egg cartons will be separated batched by batched from output delivery conveyor; hence, the operator can continue the packaging works easily and handling quantity of labeled egg carton to be packed accurately.
As usual, our aim is bring our knowledge, expertise, technology to ensure that our customers, especially in egg farming and egg packaging industries can benefit from our high quality and innovative development. No doubt, some other newly developments of ours will keep coming step by step continuously.